Like the traditions of the Morgan Invasion, the Tampa Bay Hospice Cup appeals to both cruisers and racers. In addition to the traditional Morgan Invasion fleets, the regatta also features open non-Morgan fleets for PHRF, and a “Just-for-Fun” casual fleet. All proceeds will benefit Tampa Bay area Hospice organizations, which offer comprehensive hospice and palliative care, caregiver education, individual and group counseling, spiritual support and many other programs to those it serves regardless of race, age, faith, diagnosis, or financial circumstances.
All boats, including Just For Fun Fleet: $125.00 tax-deductible donation to Tampa Bay Hospice Cup payable in RegattaNetwork plus sales tax, which includes one (1) Mount Gay red hat, one (1) t-shirt and drinks from our generous in-kind sponsors including Mount Gay Rum. Additional shirts ($35) and dinner tickets ($20) may be purchased through RegattaNetwork.
This 8-event Series includes both Drop-Mark and Distance racing for Spinnaker A, B, and C divisions, plus Distance races for Racer-Cruiser, Cruising, and Multi-Hull.