27°54.47 N — 82°27.09 W
1315 Severn Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 251-1158
(813) 251-1158

April 2023

Joel and Mayrelis Hutson hosted yet another fabulous Fantasy Island Luau! A wonderful time was had by all and there was quite a feast! There were scallops being seared ashore together with tables of delectables, including Hawaiian pork, cured meats, and plenty more to share. Cruisers sailed around the Bay on a beautiful Saturday morning and made their way to the island in the afternoon. The boats anchored and dinghies invaded the beach to set up for the night's festivities. Tiki torches were lit alongside a beach bonfire which helped with the cool breeze that evening. Everyone had on leis, floral shirts, and traditional luau attire which added to the party atmosphere while listening to beach music and sharing custom drinks. Later, most spent the night on the hook with Gitana, Jade, Salinity, Shazam, and others. Sunday morning was a leisurely sail back to the club to enjoy lunch or find a bay view with a rocking chair. A hui hoa! (Until we meet again!)

Our Cruisers will Enjoy a Spring Cruise to the Cayo Costa area with Bob Touton and Martha Bone Hosting! They have plenty of fun and adventure planned with trips to Cabbage Key, Useppa Island- The Tarpon Bar, and many more too! Be sure to bring your dinghy as we will be at anchor most nights. This will be loads of fun!


Tips from our Cruisers

Brenda Hicks - loves to precook or put together frozen meals before a cruise. Keep them in the freezer on board for a quick no hassle meal. Just pop it in the oven and continue enjoying your time on the water! A foot pump for blowing up dinghies and rafts and water toys is always handy to have too.

John Hansen - enjoys his GPS enables tablet which helps in the event of equipment failure and allows more navigation apps that help him on his cruises. The Navionics app is great and shows more detail on his tablet.

Steve Lancaster - uses a good autopilot, with wind vane mode and auto tack, and a Garmin In Reach Mini. It records and tracks your position 24/7, it plots a track at pre-determined intervals. This allows the owner, family, and friends to see exactly where you are. It is satellite linked and works anywhere in the world. Use is from $15-$60 a month depending on coverage. There is also a satellite-linked emergency beacon, which replaces a PLB, as it has all your data on it.

© Davis Island Yacht Club 2025
27°54.47 N — 82°27.09 W
1315 Severn Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
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