September | Labor Day Night Race | Started in 1936 by the Tampa Sailing Squadron as a Labor Day cruise to Sarasota, in 1948 it became the Tampa to Sarasota Labor Day Race. In the early 1950's, DIYC, took over sponsorship of the race and it has been running annually since that time. The Friday evening of the Labor Day weekend, the night race begins just south of the Club and we promise to finish at a decent hour so you can enjoy your long weekend with your family and friends. This race kicks off our DIYC Boat-of-the-Year Series. |
October | Dore Drake | Provide the women of the Tampa Bay area an opportunity to compete against each other with all female crew and socialize after the racing. Provide an opportunity for less-experienced women to compete and gain the confidence with a coach on board. Allow other participants (i.e. those of the male persuasion) to coach some of our women sailors. |
October | Halloween Regatta | This Boat-of-the-Year event for DIYC encourages participation from veteran racers to casual cruisers looking to check out the racing scene. There are divisions for everyone with choices in Spinnaker, Racer-Cruiser, and Cruising. This one-day event features Hillsborough Bay Drop-Mark races for Spinnaker Divisions and a Distance course for the other Divisions. After an afternoon of racing, DIYC hosts our traditional adult Halloween party. Costumes are strongly encouraged for the awards party – for a separate competition of course. The race is only half the fun. |
November | Egmont Key Race | Egmont Key Race dates back to 1935 and is the oldest running sailboat race on the west coast of Florida. It was created as a warm-up race for the Havana Race. The 63.4 nm course takes racers around the key and back to DIYC. We also offer a 35.2 nm course that stays inside the key for cruising and small spinnaker boats. The winner of the 63.2 nm course is awarded the perpetual Houston Wall Trophy. |
November | Old Shoe Race | Started in 1998 as the "No Class" Regatta, this is the Club's single handed sailing championship. Past Commodore, Bob Abberger, created this race with a few simple rules; no crew, no auto-pilot, one class and one start. The day after Thanksgiving was chosen to get out of obligations to go shopping and with an early start time to spend the whole day on the water. A trophy was needed; however, another silver cup was too much, so an old boat shoe was decided upon. Actually Bob's old boat shoe, was beautifully mounted on a wooden base by Joe Linton. The documented "Deed of Shoe" (cocktail napkin) was applied to the bottom of the trophy to be forever immortalized. |
November | Thanksgiving Regatta | This regatta has been run at DIYC for many years. Over time it has become one of the Club's premier youth sailing events. Hosting opti green, red, blue and white fleets along with C420 and ILCA fleets, this weekend of sailing is always sure to be a great way to end the Thanksgiving break. |
December | Keelboat Regatta | This is a one-day regatta with drop-mark races for spinnaker boats and a distance race for others. All spinnaker boats up to 30 feet with a symmetrical rig on the Drop-mark Course will compete for the perpetual Frank Selph Memorial Trophy. Frank was an avid MORC supporter and the trophy is awarded in his honor. All boats on the Drop-mark Course will compete for the perpetual Clint Johnson Trophy. |
January | Commodore's Cup | Dedicated to the honor of all DIYC past Commodores, this regatta kicks off the new year with intense racing for two days. The best come out to set the tone for the second half of the season. Expect great competition and fun shoreside entertainment Saturday night. |
February | Around the Point Regatta | Since 2013, the ATP Race loosely follows our DIYC series formula of starting and finishing at DIYC. This year the 2023 edition will return to DIYC. |
March | Hillsborough Bay Race | “Come Hell or high water” was the phrase used by our first regatta chair, Brian Malone. This distance race is held in Hillsborough Bay, but don’t assume it is just an afternoon cruise. Test your navigation skills and plan to race even if the weather pipes up. This time of year is prone to fronts. In the internet age, most race decisions are made at the bar watching radar. You can plan to race this one to hone your heavy weather skills, so don’t shy away if there is a blow. |
April | Tampa Bay Hospice Cup | You may know this event from its 28 year history as the Morgan Invasion. The race organizers teamed up with the Davis Island Yacht Club, Suncoast Hospice, and LifePath Hospice to make this event a marquee regatta for the West coast of Florida. Like the traditions of the Morgan Invasion, the Tampa Bay Hospice Cup appeals to both cruisers and racers. In addition to the traditional Morgan Invasion fleets, the regatta also features open non-Morgan fleets for PHRF, and a “Just-for-Fun” casual fleet. All proceeds will benefit Tampa Bay area Hospice organizations, which offer comprehensive hospice and palliative care, caregiver education, individual and group counseling, spiritual support and many other programs to those it serves regardless of race, age, faith, diagnosis or financial circumstances. Read the Full History |
May | Tampa Bay to Naples Race | This race’s history dates back to 1946 and 2023 brings a new location as Ft. Myers continues to recover from Hurricane Ian. DIYC is joined again by Naples Sailing and Yacht Club whose feeder race the week before (May 19-20) will bring additional competitors to our regatta. An approximately 125-mile coastal race, Tampa Bay to Naples will have the same character as prior years. All competitors departing from Tampa Bay compete for the Navigator’s Trophy donated by OH Rogers. It is awarded to the first boat to finish in any class. |