27°54.47 N — 82°27.09 W
1315 Severn Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 251-1158
(813) 251-1158

December 2022

Please join our annual Holiday Dinner and Bonfire Friday, December 16, 2022, at DIYC, hosted by John and Anne Danner. It was a blast last year, the music was amazing and it was a magical evening.


We will enjoy a Secret Santa again as it was so much fun last year at the Bon Fire after dinner. Please bring one present per person to give away, no more than $25.00 per gift.


Many of us will stay on our boats and ready them for the Tampa Holiday Lighted Boat Parade on  December 17, 2022, with docktails and fun to follow!

**If you are staying on your boat and would like to get together for breakfast or dinner Saturday, please let me know that too with your RSVP so I can let Sandra know.


Please let Kate and me know if you are joining us Friday, Dec 16, 2022, at 7:00 PM, so I can update Sandra. You will place your order through RSVP@DIYC.org or online when the menu for that night comes out.


Lee Burstiner will be coordinating the Tampa Holiday Lighted Boat Parade from DIYC.


Lighted Boat Parade info and registration link here; Holiday Lighted Boat Parade | City of Tampa


Look forward to seeing everyone there!

© Davis Island Yacht Club 2025
27°54.47 N — 82°27.09 W
1315 Severn Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
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