27°54.47 N — 82°27.09 W
1315 Severn Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 251-1158
(813) 251-1158

September 2022

Cruising Fleet has many exciting upcoming events with lots of fun planned. We’ll be visiting some new places and have things planned we’ve never done before too! Be sure to check the DIYC website for our upcoming adventures!


A possible future event is Downtown Tampa! We’ll enjoy a private guided tour of the Tampa History center. One exhibit is the “Treasure Seekers” with info on pirates, shipwrecks and artifacts plus many additional exhibits. In addition, we will experience The Touchton Map Library which is home to thousands of original maps, charts and documents dating back to the discovery of the New World, plus thousands of additional maps as well. What Sailor doesn’t like Treasure, Ships and Old Maps? Will we find the map to Gaspar’s Treasure there? We will also enjoy dinners, listening to live jazz at a speakeasy and more adventure plus docktails (798) of course!

We have limited slips available but welcome anyone to join us by car for our fun too! Please email CruisingFleet@DIYC.org for more information or to join the Cruising Fleet!

© Davis Island Yacht Club 2025
27°54.47 N — 82°27.09 W
1315 Severn Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
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